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Intelligent open-frame generator set

  ● 保持供电的连续性和可靠性 柴油发电机组自动化控制系统能准确而迅速地调节柴油发电机组的运行。When the generator set is in an abnormal condition,The automatic control system can judge normally and deal with it in time,Corresponding alarm signals and emergency shutdowns are issued,Avoid damage to the generator set。meantime,It can also automatically start the standby generator set,Reduce the duration of grid outages,Ensure the continuity of power supply。 ● 提高电能质量指标和运行经济性并使各用电设备处于良好的工作状态 用电设备对电能的频率和电压都有较高要求,The permissible range of deviations is small。An automatic voltage regulator keeps the voltage constant,Manipulate the governor to adjust the frequency。Automated diesel power plants rely on automatic regulation devices to regulate frequency and useful power。 ● 加快控制和操作过程提高系统的连续性和稳定性 实现柴油电站自动化后,It can change the operating conditions and adapt to the system requirements in a timely manner,The operation process of the unit is carried out uninterrupted according to the predetermined sequence,And the completion of the monitor can be continuously monitored。Take the emergency start generator set as an example,If manual operation is employed,It will take 5-7 minutes at the earliest,Take the words of automatic control,It usually takes less than 10 seconds to start successfully, Restore power。 ● 减少操作能源改善劳动条件 机房运行时的环境条件相当恶劣,Affects the health of the operator。The automatic control system creates conditions for unmanned duty。


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